Finding DoFollow Sites

With all of the above being said - it is rather difficult to find sites that are "DoFollow"...however, they are out there! Listed below for your convenience are running lists of multiple categories of sites that are DoFollow, and great candidates for your next backlink!
In getting links, regardless of if they're DoFollow or not, please note that Google and other search engines are rather smart these days. If you have multiple links pointing to a page from one DoFollow source, or if that source is also linking to other places that are giving you backlinks (such as your Blogspot or Wordpress account), search engines will notice and may devalue your links to the point where they become worthless. Build links naturally and over time. Provide value and they'll be quality links. Otherwise, you'll hurt your website's link building efforts in the long-run.

By the way -- when it comes to link building, only the first link pointing to a site counts. Posting more than one hyperlink on the same page to the same source won't help in any way.

These are the best dofollow sites that I choose for game related blacklinks.
I have just created this list of DOFOLLOW gaming blogs / Do Follow Games related websites.
You can get free backlinks, better SEO, better Alexa Rank and better PageRank by commenting the dofollow blogs below:


Don't Be A Spammer - Be A Value Provider!

Spamming Dofollow resources will not give you results...not only that, it hurts the entire community, and it persuades Dofollow providers to convert their sites to Nofollow. Be sure that all of your link-building exploits are done so tastefully and honestly. If you don't cram keywords and give an honest account of what your site is about, search engines will reward you for it!
Just write relevant comments and they will surely be approved in a few hours;)

Making Money Online - How to Get Free Traffic to Your Blog

No blog site will make money online without traffic. It's the lifeblood of an Internet marketer. If you are doing all the right things and still not getting traffic, then your content isn't what people want. That means you have to look carefully at what you are offering.
However, a blog may have low traffic because the site isn't being promoted successfully. It's really a simple equation. No traffic equals no sales equals no desire to continue to make the effort.
There are simple solutions to getting free traffic to your blog and here we will discuss three options.
Plan a strategy that you implement according to your plan. The main difference between a website and a blog is the speed at which traffic can be generated. Because blogs are favoured by the search engines due to their frequently updated content, blogs can be listed well within hours or days.
You must always consider your target audience. Are you specifically targeting the needs, wants and desires of your niche market? Are you offering them a tailor made solution to their particular problem? If you are not, then you are not going to have a great deal of success with your traffic generation. Even if you do create a ton of traffic, your sales conversion rates will be very poor.
Good quality, original content
Your content is very important. People are mostly online for information and your blog must provide it if your visitors as going to stay around. Your content should be fresh, interesting and valuable to your target audience. Find out what they want and then write content to help them. Good helpful content helps with your sales, as you become seen as a credible and trustworthy source of information. High quality, original content gives you an edge over your competitors.
Ensure you publish regularly. If you have a blog you need to publish at least three times a week in order to satisfy your readers and the search engines.
Take the time to ping your blogs and articles. This tells blog sites that there is something to go and see on your site, which in turn gets the search engines crawling far more quickly.
RSS feeds
Your content is easily replicated with an RSS feed. Other sites can publish your most recent articles on their own site. RSS allows others to have updates of your articles in real time and that means you can reach a far wider audience.
These are three simple ways to promote your blog and increase your traffic. Remember, the purpose of promoting yourself is to ultimately make sales and you do that through finding a niche with a need and filling that need.
Plan out your promotion strategy and follow it and you will have success with your blogging.
To learn more ways to successfully bring traffic to your blog, get a copy of Free Traffic For Broke Marketers. Filled with valuable ideas on how to get a ton of traffic to your blog without you having to continually shell out dollars.

Effective Means of Increasing Website Traffic

One of the biggest concerns that any internet marketer will have is how to increase website traffic. After all, the name of the game is traffic. If you do not get enough targeted traffic to your offer, you will not make very many sales. Having quality content coupled with driving targeted traffic is the way to reach internet success.
Many marketers make the mistake of creating good content, writing one article and then waiting for the millions to come rolling in. Unfortunately, this is not the way it works! You have to put some effort into getting traffic to your website. Here are some tips to remember:
1. Content: Publish content on a consistent basis and make sure it is good quality. This will attract the search engines on a regular basis as well as bring in new readers.
2. Social networking: Use Facebook, MySpace and Twitter to let people know about your site and your updated content.
3. Article marketing: Write articles on a regular basis and submit them to article directories. Put links back using keyword anchor text. This helps to build back links and get more traffic.
4. Social bookmarking: Use sites like Digg, StumbleUpon and Technorati to bookmark your site and get more visitors.
5. Search Engine Optimization: Make sure you are using tags and good SEO on your site so that Google believes your site to be relevant content.
6. Forums: Find forums in your niche and become a participant. Let people know about your site once you have become a respected member of the community.
7. Create a site map (there are WordPress plugins for this) and submit it to Google webmaster tools
There are hundreds of ways to get more traffic to your blog or website. These are just a few to try, but remember that generating traffic is one of those tasks you should never stop doing!
Suneel Mohan aims at providing the novices and intermediate bloggers and webmasters valuable information over how they can promote their products and services. The key aspect of every article from TeamNirvana serves the audience by not being too technical. Yet, the technical aspects of any article is deciphered and provided in a tangible way to the readers.

How to Drive Hungry Traffic to Your Web Site

Have you recently started your career as an affiliate marketer and intend to be successful? Then, you ought to know that you can't prosper in your affiliate marketing venture unless you attract a huge amount of traffic towards your web site. Following are some effective ways to attract traffic:
1.Provide Links:
This is a cheap yet very effective way of attracting web site traffic. You can consider providing your web site links on other Internet sites. This may not provide you immediate results, but will be very useful in the long run.
You may provide your web links on other web sites. This will ensure you much-needed exposure, which may eventually lead to increased web site traffic.
2.Participate in an online forum:
This is perhaps the most interesting way to promote your Internet site. You can join an online forum relevant to your business. By doing this, you can inform many people about the services and goods that you wish to promote.
3.Article Marketing:
This is one of the most cost-effective and surefire ways of driving hungry traffic to your Internet site. If you have good writing skills and a creative bend of mind, article writing can be your ideal option. On the Internet, you'll find many article directories providing free space for articles. Prefer writing fresh, unique and informative articles which are themed as per the niche of your Internet site. Let your readers know how they can benefit from the product you're trying to promote.
Don't forget including a resource box at the end of your article. This resource box should contain a link to your web site. By following these simple tips, you will surely attract hungry web site traffic and earn huge profits.

Finding Your Target Audience Couldn't Be Easier

As if it were a gift from God, over 100 million people use the Internet today. If you've been working online for a while, you know that it's not as easy to find your target market as everyone says it is.
One of the biggest things that I've learned from affiliate marketing is that you can't just find any product and expect to sell it to anyone on the Internet. It's exactly the opposite. You need to find out what other people want and then give it to them.
The best way to do it is to find prospects that want your affiliate offer and have the money to spend in order to buy it. Then you want to get these targeted customers to your website and purchase whatever you are selling as an affiliate.
Start with this question before you do anything. Who will benefit the most by coming to your website? You must always put yourself in the shoes of the customer. Once you answer this question, you've found your target market. If you can put all your marketing efforts in to promoting to these people, you'll see affiliate commissions and larger profits in no time.
You still might be thinking where exactly you can find these targeted customers. The best place to find them is on discussion boards and forums that are related to your niche. Get out in front of them, answer their questions, talk to them, and introduce them to your affiliate products.
Don't just put all your eggs in one basket. Go out and look at multiple websites in your niche and see what kinds of questions people are asking. See what they are having problems with and what they need solved. You'll find a lot of information just by looking at forums that you may not have even thought about.
If you keep up with this and do it on a regular basis, your marketing strategy will come to you quickly. The more you do it, the better you understand your market and the more money that you will make online.

The Best Way to Get Free Traffic in Thousands

This method is one that I personally use to get thousands of visitors to my website anytime I choose. As I use it more and more, the more traffic I get and as time goes on it continues to increase. The best part is it's all free traffic.
It's obvious that if thousands of people promote your website you'll get tons of traffic. It also makes sense that if these people promoted you, then they also advertised for you. Thousands of visitors turn into millions of visitors in no time.
So what exactly is this marketing method?
It's what we call as Internet marketers, viral eBook marketing. It's not a book with a virus in it. Viral marketing is a way to help your customers while helping yourself.
Just like a virus moves quickly through your body or a computer network, your eBook has the tendency to move quickly throughout the Internet. It won't just spread to everyone online. It will spread to those who are in your target market and actually want to be at your website or people that want your product.
So how do you implement this marketing strategy?
It's simple. You write an eBook that is specific to the needs and wants of the people in your target market. Within the eBook you have lots of keywords that are interesting to your visitors. The keywords have an anchor text, or a link, that will allow them to click through to your website.
The trick to make it work is to get thousands of people to pass it around to everyone that they know. Now how exactly do you get these people to do this for you?
The best way to do it is to write an eBook that people are allowed to sell on eBay or on their website and keep all the money that they make from the sales. In Internet marketing, we call this resale rights. Another way to get them to do it is to allow them to give it away as a freebie to their list of targeted customers.
To make sure that your content doesn't get altered in any way, all you have to do is have a notice in your eBook that states, "The content within this book may not be altered in any way. Or you will face legal action." This way, your eBook contains only what you wrote and nobody else can take credit for what's inside.
The next step is to sell it on eBay or offer it for free on a free resale website. This will put it in the hands of other marketers that want to sell your eBook for money. There are thousands of people online that look to sell these eBooks as a way to make money for them.
Lots of people get to see the promotion of your website in a very short period of time and you will get tons of free traffic from your promotions.
I write a new viral eBook every few weeks so that I get new visitors to my website all the time. I promote it, allow others to promote it as well, and allow others to contact me to advertise in it. That's just one more way for you to make more money fast.
If you want to get a lot of free traffic to your website or blog, this is one method that you do not want to overlook. If you have never done it, you want to do it. You will see the results in a very short amount of time.

3 Free Ways to Drive Traffic to Your AdSense Website

If you want to earn money with AdSense you must have traffic. Without traffic you will not earn any money no more how much keyword optimized content you have on your site. Getting traffic to your website must be a top priority. Here are 3 free ways to drive traffic to your AdSense website.
1. Article Marketing
One of the most effective ways to drive targeted traffic to your website is to write articles on the topic of your website and submit them to article directories. Readers who are interested in the topic will click on a link in your resource box and visit your website. This is highly targeted traffic because these are readers who are interested in your website's topic. Article marketing is one of the top ways to drive targeted traffic to your AdSense website.
2. Commenting on blogs in your niche
Another great way to drive targeted traffic to your AdSense site is to find blogs that are related to your niche topic and leave useful comments on posts with a link back to your site. Don't just spam the comments. Add some useful information that shows that you are knowledgeable in the subject matter. This is another great way to bring targeted traffic to your AdSense site.
3. Participate in forums that are in your niche
Another way to drive targeted traffic to your AdSense site is to participate in forums in your niche. Place a link to your website in your sig line. Just as with blog commenting, you don't want to spam the forum. You need to add useful information to the forum and genuinely try to help and connect with other forum members. This is time consuming but can pay off in driving targeted visitors to your AdSense site.
These are three of the best ways to drive targeted traffic to your AdSense website. Even better, these methods are all free. They will take some of your time and you will need to use these methods on a consistent basis to see results. However, you will start to see a steady stream of traffic and AdSense clicks if you stay persistent.