3 Free Ways to Drive Traffic to Your AdSense Website

If you want to earn money with AdSense you must have traffic. Without traffic you will not earn any money no more how much keyword optimized content you have on your site. Getting traffic to your website must be a top priority. Here are 3 free ways to drive traffic to your AdSense website.
1. Article Marketing
One of the most effective ways to drive targeted traffic to your website is to write articles on the topic of your website and submit them to article directories. Readers who are interested in the topic will click on a link in your resource box and visit your website. This is highly targeted traffic because these are readers who are interested in your website's topic. Article marketing is one of the top ways to drive targeted traffic to your AdSense website.
2. Commenting on blogs in your niche
Another great way to drive targeted traffic to your AdSense site is to find blogs that are related to your niche topic and leave useful comments on posts with a link back to your site. Don't just spam the comments. Add some useful information that shows that you are knowledgeable in the subject matter. This is another great way to bring targeted traffic to your AdSense site.
3. Participate in forums that are in your niche
Another way to drive targeted traffic to your AdSense site is to participate in forums in your niche. Place a link to your website in your sig line. Just as with blog commenting, you don't want to spam the forum. You need to add useful information to the forum and genuinely try to help and connect with other forum members. This is time consuming but can pay off in driving targeted visitors to your AdSense site.
These are three of the best ways to drive targeted traffic to your AdSense website. Even better, these methods are all free. They will take some of your time and you will need to use these methods on a consistent basis to see results. However, you will start to see a steady stream of traffic and AdSense clicks if you stay persistent.

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